Thursday, October 23, 2008

One week old

I took Amaiya to the doctors yesterday and they did her one week check up.
No jaundice thank goodness! I couldn't believe it at all when the weighed her and did her height. She gained 6oz.'s and grew a whole inch in just those few days!
She'll go back for her 2 months on December 22nd! I can't wait to see how big she'll be then! But for now I'm loving how small she is! My last baby so I'm going to soak up every little thing I can!


Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

She is such a sweet baby girl.

you need to join can meet other moms.

Anonymous said...

She is so precious!
Love you bunches!
Aunt Beth

Anonymous said...

You can tell she is really eating good. She is such a darling.