Thursday, September 18, 2008

I can't believe this is happening already!!

Went to the doctors to day for a normal check up for Amaiya. I got there at 8:15a.m. and waited for an hour. The two appointments before me had to be delivered so I was freaking out!
My name was called... I got back there.. Checked my cervix and what do you know, I'm in labor.
"OH CRAP" is what I thought. 2 centimeters dilated and 80% effaced. After he said that I'm totally freaking out. I got a shot in the butt of steriods... ouch!! Dr. Chatelain told me that since I'm dilated already and that far effaced that most likely I'll have her by this weekend. Only cause of my past history and the fact of when he checked me it was barely hanging on anymore.
So, here I am at my parents house wishing Chad was here with me. I know this is my 4th baby but, all these pains are different. I'm feeling totally opposite than I did with the other kiddos.
I'm so scared right now it's unbelievable. I'm cramping like crazy. I feel her head coming down and I can't eat crap cause I feel sick to my stomach.

I'm hoping I don't go into full blown labor tonight. I want Chad to be here with me to help me through this! He'll be home tomorrow around 2pm. so I'm trying to keep her in as long as possible!

Don't get me wrong I'm excited to see our little princess it's just I don't want to do it by myself!

Well, wish me luck... hopefully she doesn't come into this world without her Daddy by my side!!


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is the 19th. Do you remember what Chad's mother said at your shower? She said that nineteen was the McCormick lucky #. Her birthday, husband's birthday, first grandson's birthday etc. Let's see if it is going to be their first granddaughter's birthday.
Amauya will be only 6 weeks early if she comes tomorrow so she will fine. Let's just hope she waits till tomorrow night when Chad will be there.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Thats right, I heard what Chad's mom said too. Elise, keep her in there!!! I am praying HARD that you can wait till the first of October. Have her on your birthday. God will answer prayers!!!